Yellow Sapphire

Bright yellow to canary yellow!
Yellow Sapphire colors can range from light pastel yellow to medium yellow to a strong orangey-yellow.
Sapphires and Rubies are actually the same mineral – corundum. Pure Corundum is colorless; trace elements in different percentages are responsible for all the colors.
Sapphires are routinely treated to improve their clarity and color. However, many of our Yellow Sapphires are completely Natural and untreated (see product labelling on each gem).
Principal mining locations for Yellow Sapphire are Sri Lanka, Australia, Tanzania and Thailand.
They are durable gemstones with a hardness of 9 on the Mohs Scale and can easily be used in all types of jewelry.
Sapphires are September’s birthstone and their variety of colors offers so much choice! They also celebrate the 5th and 45th Anniversaries.
We have more shades, cuts and sizes available in Yellow Sapphire – please contact us if you don’t find what you are looking for in our online inventory.
click here to see a selection of Yellow Sapphire for sale
Colors | light yellow medium yellow deep yellow lemon yellow canary yellow orangey-yellow brownish-yellow |
Family/Species | Corundum |
Properties | RI = 1.762-1.770 DR SG = 4.00 (+/-0.03) Dispersion = 0.018 Hardness = 9 Highly suitable for use in jewelry |
Treatments | Many treatments and enhancements are currently being carried out on We generally prefer to work with Natural Sapphires or regular-Heated Sapphires see policy on Treatment Disclosure |
Important information | Natural, untreated Sapphire is getting harder and harder to find in the market; it sells for a premium over treated and enhanced stones Corundum (both natural and man-made) is widely used as an abrasive thanks to its hardness – it can scratch almost every other mineral |
Birthstone | September |
Anniversary | 5th |
Cuts | Calibrated sizes up to 4mm All standard cuts and free sizes |
Mining locations | Tanzania (Umba Valley, Tunduru, Songea), Kenya, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and other localities |