Natural Zircons are real gemstones mined from the Earth!

Natural Zircons are real gemstones mined from the Earth. They are not to be confused with Cubic Zirconia (CZ) which is man-made.
The name derives from the Persian word ‘zargun’ meaning golden hued. Zircons (and possibly other gems) in the pinkish-purplish-reddish color range were historically referred to as “Hyacinth” or “Jacinth”.
Zircons have extremely high dispersion of 0.038, which is the optical property that splits light into its component colors. That explains all those flashes of color when we look at these beautiful gems.
Their refractive index (RI) is also very high ranging from 1.81 to 1.98 and they are durable with a hardness of 7-7.5 for ‘high’ zircons.
Zircons are available in a wide variety of colors – COLOR FIRST works with at least 10 distinct colors of Zircons, both Natural and Heated, with full disclosure for each gem.
Natural Zircons are still available at a fraction of the price of most other gemstones, making them the last undervalued gem!
In addition, Zircon crystals have been dated at 4.4 Billion years old, making them the oldest minerals on earth, so they have actually been around forever.
Zircon is December’s birthstone, providing a lot of color choice for December birthdays!
We have many more colors, shapes and sizes available in Zircon – please contact us if you don’t find what you are looking for in our online inventory.
Here is a link to GIA’s Buyer’s Guide on Zircons:
click here to see a selection of Zircons for sale